1.  KMDP Project Overview 22.  Training & Skills 33.  Base of The Pyramid Study (BoP) 94.  Quality Based Milk Payment Study and Piloting (QBMP) 25.  Modular Cow House Design for Medium Scale Farmers 16.  Modular Cow House Design for Smallholder Dairy Entrepreneurs 17.  Feed and Fodder Study 78.  Dairy Sector Policy Study 19.  Presentation for KDB School Milk Conference (2015) 110.  International Exposure 611.  Processor Study 112.  Dairy Matters! KMDP Case Studies Book 113.  Review of KMDP Training and Extension Approaches 114.  Meru Gender Scan Report 115.  Dairy Highlights - Eldoret Agribusiness Trade fair 2016 016.  KMDP Smallholder Dairy Value Chain Interventions 117.  Status Report on Medium Scale Farmers and Commercial Fodder Producers 218.  Progress Report on Fodder Production and Preservation Demos in the Dairy Value Chain 019.  Dairy Sector Structure: The life Cycle Concept 020.  ECDPM: Analysis of Dairy Partnerships in Tanzania and Kenya 121.  SNV Kenya KMDP Market Study North Rift, Kenya 022.  Meru Dairy Cooperative Union Breeding Strategy 123.  SNV KMDP Forage PowerPoint Presentation 124.  Private and public Costs and Benefits of Implementing a Quality Based Milk payment System in Kenya 125.  Benchmarking of Dairy Processors Associations 126.  Youth-led Service Provider Enterprises in Kenya (SPEN) 227.  Dairynomics - ICT Innovation in East Africa Dairy 228.  Emerging Innovations in the East Africa Dairy Sector 129.  Guidelines for Forage Maize Production and Ensiling 230.  Assessment of KMDP Forage Interventions in the North Rift, Kenya 131.  KMDP 2 Evaluation Report 1
1.  Final Report Forage Seed Sector FVC Study DeSIRA ICSIAPL 12.  Working Paper & Policy Brief Forage Seed Regulatory Framework 23.  Working Paper & Policy Brief Forage Seed Regulatory Framework 04.  Working Paper Forage Seed Regulatory Framework 15.  Policy Brief Forage Seed Regulatory Framework 16.  KALRO Publications 27.  KALRO Profitability of Dorper Sheep Finished on Grass and Legumes 18.  Getting the Incentives Right NEADAP/ICSIAPL Working Paper 19.  KALRO Adoption of Fodder Production in Southern ASAL 110.  ICSIAPL Project Fact Sheet and Flyer 211.  County Livestock Feed Strategies 212.  Livestock Feed Strategy for Taita Taveta County in Kenya 113.  Forage Master Plan Keiyian Farmers Cooperative, Narok County 114.  Horsetail Forage Factsheet 115.  Theme 1. Cimate Smart Agricultural Practices 316.  Forage Value Chain Presentation 117.  Theme 2. Pasture and Rangeland Management 618.  Livestock Feed Strategy for Kajiado County in Kenya 119.  Forage Master Plan for Olosentu Ranch Narok County 120.  ICSIAPL Training Modules 2321.  Ex-Tozi Rhodes Forage Factsheet 122.  Forage Seed Market Study 123.  Dolichos Lablap Factsheet 124.  Theme 3. Fodder Management and Conservation 925.  ICSIAPL Project Fact Sheet and Flyer 226.  Forage Master Plan for Mgeno Ranch Taita Taveta Country 127.  Forage Value Chain Report Taita Taveta County 128.  Desmodium Factsheet 129.  Theme 4. Livestock Supplementary Feeds and Feeding 030.  Forage Master Plan for Lualenyi Ranch Taita Taveta County 131.  Forage Master Plans 532.  Forage Value Chain Report Narok County 133.  Cowpea M66 Factsheet 134.  Theme 5. Economics of Forage Production and Management 135.  Project Reports 836.  Forage Master Plan for Kasigau Ranch Taita Taveta County 137.  Forage Value Chain Report Kajiado County 138.  Bush Rye Factsheet 139.  Theme 6. Animal Health Management 440.  Forage Factsheets 2041.  Velvet Beans as animal FeedsFactsheet 142.  Theme 7. Animal Breeding, Fertility and Calf Management 643.  Working Paper Forage Seed Regulatory Framework in Kenya 044.  Brachiaria Cobra Factsheet 145.  Sweet Potato as Forage Factsheet 146.  Brachiaria Camello Factsheet 147.  Sunn hemp Forage Factsheet 148.  African Foxtail Factsheet 149.  Sugar Graze Forage Factsheet 150.  Brachiaria Cayman Forage Factsheet 151.  Purple Vetch Forage Factsheet 152.  Panicum Maximum CV Mombasa Forage Factsheet 153.  Panicum Maximum Forage Factsheet 154.  Nutrifeed Forage Factsheet 155.  Lupin Forage Factsheet 156.  Lucerne Forage Factsheet 1
1.  NEADAP Forage Presentation 12.  Livestock Sustainability Assessment Tool 13.  Quality Based Milk Payment Pilot in Uganda 14.  Quality Based Milk Payment Pilot in Uganda 15.  Dairy Advisory Services in East Africa 16.  Dairy Advisory Services in East Africa 17.  Forage for profit and low CO2-footprint 18.  Approach for Year Round FodderAvailability - Working Paper 19.  Importance of forage qualty to raise dairy cow profit and lowe CO2 Footprint 110.  Importance of forage qualty to raise dairy cow profit and lowe CO2 Footprint 111.  NEADAP School Milk learning paper 2023 112.  Diet formulation software at the heart of farm coaching in East Africa 113.  Livestock Sustainability Assessment Tool 114.  Diet formulation software at the heart of farm coaching in East Africa 115.  NEADAP Magazine – Dairy Sector Solutions 116.  NEADAP Position Paper-Dairy for nutrition, employment, and sustainability 117.  NEADAP Project Flyer-2023 118.  NEADAP Forage Presentation 119.  Module 1: Introduction to manure management 120.  Reports on School Milk Program 121.  Scan of Forage Subsector in Kenya 322.  Module 2: Manure types composition and losses 123.  Scan of Forage Subsector in Uganda 224.  NEADAP Training Modules 1025.  Scan of Forage Subsector in Ethiopia 226.  Module 3: Options improved manure management 127.  Scan of Forage Sub Sectors in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia 728.  Module 4: Composting Theory 129.  NEADAP Project Information 330.  Module 5: Uses and Application of Manure 131.  Module 6: Advising Farmers on Manure Management 1

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