1.  KMDP Project Overview 22.  Training & Skills 33.  Base of The Pyramid Study (BoP) 94.  Quality Based Milk Payment Study and Piloting (QBMP) 25.  Modular Cow House Design for Medium Scale Farmers 16.  Modular Cow House Design for Smallholder Dairy Entrepreneurs 17.  Feed and Fodder Study 78.  Dairy Sector Policy Study 19.  Presentation for KDB School Milk Conference (2015) 110.  International Exposure 611.  Processor Study 112.  Dairy Matters! KMDP Case Studies Book 113.  Review of KMDP Training and Extension Approaches 114.  Meru Gender Scan Report 115.  Dairy Highlights - Eldoret Agribusiness Trade fair 2016 016.  KMDP Smallholder Dairy Value Chain Interventions 117.  Status Report on Medium Scale Farmers and Commercial Fodder Producers 218.  Progress Report on Fodder Production and Preservation Demos in the Dairy Value Chain 019.  Dairy Sector Structure: The life Cycle Concept 020.  ECDPM: Analysis of Dairy Partnerships in Tanzania and Kenya 121.  SNV Kenya KMDP Market Study North Rift, Kenya 022.  Meru Dairy Cooperative Union Breeding Strategy 123.  SNV KMDP Forage PowerPoint Presentation 124.  Private and public Costs and Benefits of Implementing a Quality Based Milk payment System in Kenya 125.  Benchmarking of Dairy Processors Associations 126.  Youth-led Service Provider Enterprises in Kenya (SPEN) 227.  Dairynomics - ICT Innovation in East Africa Dairy 228.  Emerging Innovations in the East Africa Dairy Sector 129.  Guidelines for Forage Maize Production and Ensiling 230.  Assessment of KMDP Forage Interventions in the North Rift, Kenya 131.  KMDP 2 Evaluation Report 1

Livestock Resources

All Livestock Resources

Mobile Data for Moving Herds Management and Better Incomes (MODHEM)

Intervention Areas

Improving access to pastoral resources and infrastructure;

Improving access to pastoral resources and infrastructure;

Improving income and food and nutritional security of pastoralists and agropastoralists

Improving income and food and nutritional security of pastoralists and agropastoralists

Improving the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts through local mechanisms and strengthening the institutional, regulatory and political framework

Improving the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts through local mechanisms and strengthening the institutional, regulatory and political framework

Strengthening the capacities of actors contributing to improving food and nutritional security and the resilience of pastoral and agropastoral households

Strengthening the capacities of actors contributing to improving food and nutritional security and the resilience of pastoral and agropastoral households

About MODHEM Project

Faced with the anthropogenic, climatic and security constraints that aggravate the vulnerability of pastoralists and agropastoralists in the border regions of southern Burkina Faso, the Swiss cooperation (SDC) has formulated a program to strengthen the resilience of pastoral and agropastoral households in the face of climatic and security crises (RESILIA). This program, which will last 12 years with 3 phases of 4 years each, aims to secure livestock mobility and the valorisation of animal products in the border areas of the South as well as the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts between farmers and herders to consolidate social cohesion and peace. Through the RESILIA program, the SDC would also like to seize market opportunities to boost the pastoral economy for the benefit of pastoral and agropastoral communities, particularly young people and women. During the first phase of the Mobile Data for Moving Herds Management and Better Incomes (MODHEM) project financed by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and implemented by SNV and its partners, the SDC financed complementary actions.

These complementary actions to MODHEM called PAC – MODHEM (Projet d’Appui Complémentaire au MODHEM) were brilliantly implemented by SNV in collaboration with various stakeholders such as the Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources (MRAH), the National Biodigester Program (PNB) and some municipalities in the intervention regions. Since January 1, 2021, a second phase of the MODHEM project called MODHEM + has started under the funding of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Mali and Burkina Faso (EKN) for a period of 4 years (January 1, 2020, December 31, 2023). Indeed, MODHEM+ aims to improve livestock mobility and agropastoralists’ incomes through the “GARBAL service” which provides pastoralists and agropastoralists with information products to facilitate their decision-making in the face of constraints related to pastoral and agricultural production. This, with the aim of strengthening their resilience to the effects of climate change and improving their incomes. Also, the MODHEM+/EKN project is expanding the GARBAL information service with inclusive and innovative financial products.
