- Theme 1. Cimate Smart Agricultural Practices 5
- Theme 2. Pasture and Rangeland Management 8
- Theme 3. Fodder Management and Conservation 13
- Theme 4. Livestock Supplementary Feeds and Feeding 6
- Theme 5. Economics of Forage Production and Management 2
- Theme 6. Animal Health Management 11
- Theme 7. Animal Breeding, Fertility and Calf Management 10
- Getting the Incentives Right NEADAP/ICSIAPL Working Paper 1
- Final Report Forage Seed Sector FVC Study DeSIRA ICSIAPL 1
- Forage Value Chain Presentation 1
- Forage Seed Market Study 1
- Forage Value Chain Report Taita Taveta County 1
- Forage Value Chain Report Narok County 1
- Forage Value Chain Report Kajiado County 1
- Working Paper Forage Seed Regulatory Framework in Kenya 0
- Working Paper & Policy Brief Forage Seed Regulatory Framework 0
- Horsetail Forage Factsheet 1
- Ex-Tozi Rhodes Forage Factsheet 1
- Dolichos Lablap Factsheet 1
- Desmodium Factsheet 1
- Cowpea M66 Factsheet 1
- Bush Rye Factsheet 1
- Velvet Beans as animal FeedsFactsheet 1
- Brachiaria Cobra Factsheet 1
- Sweet Potato as Forage Factsheet 1
- Brachiaria Camello Factsheet 1
- Sunn hemp Forage Factsheet 1
- African Foxtail Factsheet 1
- Sugar Graze Forage Factsheet 1
- Brachiaria Cayman Forage Factsheet 1
- Purple Vetch Forage Factsheet 1
- Panicum Maximum CV Mombasa Forage Factsheet 1
- Panicum Maximum Forage Factsheet 1
- Nutrifeed Forage Factsheet 1
- Lupin Forage Factsheet 1
- Lucerne Forage Factsheet 1
- Module 1: Calf Rearing 1
- Module 2: Nutrition and Feeding Dairy Cows in Kenya 1
- Module 3: Milk Quality and Hygienic Milk Production 1
- Module 4: Building for Cows in Kenya 1
- Module 5: Management of Napier Grass 1
- Module 6: Healthcare and Animal Disease Management 1
- Module 7: Managing Breeding and Fertily of Dairy Animals 1
- Module 8: Managing Breeding and Fertily of Dairy Animals 1
- Module 9: Planting Maize for Cattle 1
- Module 10: Making Maize Silage 1
- Module 11: Pasture Management 1
- Training Handbook for Production of Common Beans 1
- Training Handbook on production of Amaranthus 1
- Training Handbook on Production of African Nightshade 1
- Training Handbook on Indeginous Chicken Production 1
- Training Handbook for Production of Lab Lab 1
- Training Handbook for Production of Green grams 1
Laikipia, Isiolo, Samburu Transforming the Environment Through Nexus (LISTEN)

Improved institutional capacities and programming frameworks for inclusive climate resilience at the county

Improved water and livelihood resource management at landscape level in the Ewaso Nyiro River Basin Ecosystem

Increase production and income through adoption and scale-up of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), good management and efficient water practices, technologies and innovations in selected value chains

Use of Knowledge and Innovation management increased in ASALs
LISTEN is a 3.6 million Euro project being implemented for 3.5 years (from October 2020 to March 2024) by SNV, in partnership with Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
The project seeks to contribute to strengthened resilience to climate change by increasing food, nutrition, and water security in Laikipia, Isiolo, and Samburu counties of Kenya. The overall project goal is to contribute to strengthened resilience to climatechange by increasing food, nutrition, and water security in selected ASAL counties of Laikipia, Isiolo and Samburu in Kenya.
The agricultural sector is a key driver of economic and social development in Kenya.
Climate change projections for East Africa (Kenya in particular) show increasing temperatures, reduced rainfall, seasonal shifts and more frequent climate shocks (droughts and floods).
A rapidly growing population however, provides an urgent demand, but the sector is plagued with low productivity especially of food crops due to many factors: increasing urbanisation and subdivision of high and medium potential land, limited access to finance and quality inputs, low capacities of national institutions to deliver for the sector and an over reliance on rain fed agriculture which is hampered by climate change.
ASAL regions cover more than 80% of Kenya’s land area and are home to 35% of the population (17 million people).